Thursday, February 19, 2009

Storm today.

Yes storm #10 has hit, but who is counting. I was up and at it early this morning to get my haircut. It surely needed it and I think I had about 5 pounds taken off.
There seems to be about 5 cm down already and it is blowing a lot

Watched a bit of CBC NewsWorld today to see President Obama arriving in Ottawa. There is lots of hype everywhere and hopes that he will set the US on a less confrontational road. Time will tell.

I just baked some Barn Doors, raisin oat cookies. I haven't made them in a "dog's age" and they are pretty tasty.

I started to sew together some 2 inch squares to make four patches. One of these days they will be part of something big.

I am also sifting through some of my magazines ear-marking future projects OR ideas. I have hopes that I can cull some magazines and sell them at the seat sale. I haven't found too many yet though.

The young "T's are home from work, nice and early so that is a good thing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have to dust this morning. Our bedroom suite is really looking neglected, and the sun is shining brightly so I can really see it.
I should polish my dresser set but not today, I want to take Jake for a walk, H is at the Archives.
I love it when the sun is shining, it motivates me...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

Well it came and went. The young folks came with pizza Friday evening. We supplied the RED cake and some heart cookies. Claire likes the decorations.

Another day of stripping and cutting patches. I think I am making a dent in the organization of some of these scraps.

I am also enjoying Beyond Green Gables by Budge Wilson. It is a new book and tells of Annes life before she arrived in PEI. I think I'll have to reread Anne of Green Gables. I borrowed the download of the book from the library. It is so great to listen while I am working in my studio.(sic)

And it is still snowy, isn't spring supposed to arrive soon?

I made a Lemon Pie for dessert this evening, that and Roast Chicken, should be good.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have been cutting strips for three days. Various sizes and when I get ready for the strip quilt, they will be ready. In the meantime those fabrics which are too short to be cut into strips are squares or rectangles.
I found some fabrics that I had forgotten existed. I can't imagine how that happened.

I have a project in the works. I have to replace a zipper in Hugh's winter jacket. I have taken the old one out and all I have to do is get the new one sewn in. I haven't put a zipper in anything for years. I'll give it a good try anyway.

I had a nice chat with Margaret, she is out of hospital, and busy with physio and all that entails.

Don is coming for supper this evening. I made Salt Cod Fish cakes and we shall have them with Chow-Chow and Cottage Pudding for dessert. Truly comfort foods for such a rainy, cold miserable day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I spent most of today organizing my FQ stash. Ironing, folding and putting them in their colour families. Also in the different themes flowers, holiday etc. You get the drift. All this in preparation for the Mariner Quilt Guild seat sale and a stash reduction blitz.
I hope to get some strips, squares etc cut and ready to be made into tops. I am going to haunt Bonnie Hunters Quiltville site for patterns.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Down the shore...

We picked up Sheila and traveled down the Shore to visit Barbara in East River. It was gorgeous, the sky was just as blue as yesterday plus the added attraction today was the sun glinting on the waters of Mahone Bay.

She has a new rescue dog named Hunter, poor fellow is blind and lame but so gentle. He is a 5 year old Irish setter.

Niffer the Gordon retriever is a rambunctious pup and in our faces but she is a treat she is so funny. Jake wasn't impressed with her trying to sit on my lap or lick my face. He growled his displeasure.

Then we went to Jack Astor's for supper, it was good.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What a day!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. Blue skies, bright sunshine dancing on the white snow and the ice covered tree branches, and it was only about -4C. Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer.

I took Jake for a little walk and he sniffed all the spots checking his p-mail.

Hugh was out for lunch and this afternoon we headed out to do a few errands.

I decided last night to make a new cushion cover for the bathroom rocking chair. I got it all ready last night, threaded the serger this morning and I'll put it together tonight.

And I think I'll sew some of my Millennium exchange squares I've had them for 10 years so it is time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February already

My birthday was on Monday and I had two celebrations. Saturday, Claire and family had a party for me and I was treated to lovely sushi. Graham, and Patti and I really had an enjoyable feast. Hugh had Chicken Teriyaki and Miss Claire had pasta with Edemame, tomatoes,and cheese. She enjoyed the dessert more than the main.

A beautiful cake made by Patti and Claire, with yellow frosting and Gummy Bears. It was delish. C and the chorus,were wonderful singing Happy Birthday to me.

Monday evening DH and I went to The Keg, a great meal. I haven't had beef for ages so I really enjoyed it.

After finally conquering the head cold it has attacked Hughie, so he is pretty miserable.

Rotten weather this week as well. Snow/ice pellets/rain and then cold again on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll say no more, you can just imagine the mess of the streets and sidewalks. Daycare was canceled so C spent the day with us, we had lots of fun. She loves looking at her DVD when she was a baby. (6 to 18 months)so we have seen that about 3 times this week.

We had good news from Charlotte, she and Fayeque are coming home for Easter. That will be lovely. It is also her birthday that weekend. She wants Claire to sing Happy Birthday to her! So we will have a party.

And good news from NZ, Marg our "tour guide extraordinaire" will be discharged from hospital next week. May the bones heal quickly.