Friday, May 30, 2008


Well I made it this far without too many mishaps, the main one was the jug of maple syrup which leaked in my suitcase. Luckily not too much leaked but some stuff had to be laundered. Most was contained in the Baggie but some managed to find its way out. What a mess!!!
Gavin is the recipient of the remainder.

He showed Sheila and I the Vancouver sights and we had a great meal in a Thai restaurant. The photo above shows a carved melon. It was amazing to see.

Last night I had a wonderful sleep so hopefully it will help the marathon ahead.

We are going to have suishi before we head off to the airport at 6PM. Our flight is 9PM and we arrive 14 hours later. Sunday, June 1 down under. This is a photo of Gavin and April outside the suishi restaurant.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm ready

Well today flew by, last minute things to pickup and prepare. The young ones were here for supper. I cooked a Roast of Beef and veggies and anything left over went home with them. Including the rest of an apple pie. Hugh wasn't too crazy about leftovers so Patti will make Shepherd's Pie.
I left three potatoes for DH, he will probably not need any more than that for a couple of weeks.
Claire spent last night in the IWK with her breathing and wheezing and is now on a regular schedule of puffers for the next 8 weeks. She was a busy girl at suppertime, Jake loved everything she threw down to him! She ate all her blueberries though.

Up and at it early tomorrow morning for the first lap of the trip. Vancouver seems close compared to the hop across the Pacific.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Almost packing

It is actually warmer today, 17C as I write this. It may be my last warm weather until the end of July. Oh, I forgot Vancouver at the end of the week. It is supposed to be 28C. I'll have to take a summer outfit and leave it at Gavin's. I won't be needing it in NZ. It has been rainy and cool for the past while and the weather will only get worse.

Today I had to run a few last minute errands. I was going to get an adaptor to plug in my battery for my digital camera but the buddy at BestBuy told me to get a plastic thingy when I arrive at the(a)airport in NZ. Cheaper too!

Also picked up some wipes and handsanitizer for the flights.

I haven't packed yet but stuff is in piles and ready to be placed. Actually I am not taking much. I have my Ipod loaded and lots of memory cards for the camera.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Claire took Jake for a walk in the rain last Sunday. Aren't they cute?

Marg has written to see what I like for breakfast while we are travelling in Queenstown and area. I am a toast and coffee person so as long as I have something that resembles it I'll be happy.

I have also had a note from a quilter in Wellington who is going to contact me. I would love to attend a meeting or two and perhaps a Bee.
I am not planning on taking any projects though, perhaps I should get something small together to work on. Darn, darn, that I can't do it on the long flight.

My sewing room has been tidied up, all machines have been bedded away, scissors hidden etc. I don't want Claire to play with something and hurt herself. Plus when Gavin gets here in July he will be sleeping there.

It rained here overnight but a tiny bit of blue sky now. Hopefully it will be a nice weekend, it is DH's birthday tomorrow... cake and ice cream.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Getting ready

Next week I shall be heading to New Zealand. It has been a lifelong dream to take a trip there to visit my cousin and penpal of about 50 years.
Now what shall I pack?
It is winter down under.

I hope to be able to enter comments regularly over the next two months.
