My father made me a lovely quilt rack a few years ago. It is made from Oak and he carved it himself.
It sits at the end of a hallway and I have a number of quilts on it.
Of course the way the quilts are hanging leaves a little space in the middle on the floor which is just perfect for hiding... and this is where Gracie hangs out when she wants some peace and quiet from her brother George. She is getting her bed ready here, an old quilted tabletopper.
Meantime George knows that this is her space and he is trying his darndest to get in and have a nice quiet nap as well.
Eventually he wormed his way in with her and here they are all jammed up.
However that didn't last too long and now George is on the outside once again trying to make some headway past her and she is growling and ready to pick a fight with him.
Now Gracie is out and George is in... kids!!!
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
12 hours ago
Oh my! George and Gracie are just the cutest!
And the pastel Wedding Ring quilt that I caught a glimpse of is gorgeous. Is it vintage? or new? Either way its lovely!
Kimberly :-)
Thank you for your comment The Double Wedding Ring quilt was made in 1969,unfortunately it has some wear in some of the fabrics so I am going to try and repair one of these days.
omigosh, how did i miss this post?!
what cute little dudes.
i can't wait to snuggle with them.
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