Again, boy, am I an intermittent blogger.
It isn't as if I have nothing to tell, I do, but I get carried away doing something else and whammo the day is gone and so is the blog opportunity.
I took G&G for a long walk this morning, they sniffed everything possible and ate nearly all the dead and dried up earthworms on the sidewalk. They sure find them tasty, and all that great protein.
I am making great progress on the DWR, one whole row pieced and the second is nearly completed. At this rate it should be completed by the end of the summer. I have even been keeping track of the hours spent working on it. I have to lay it out on the floor to make sure I am putting the contrasting four -patches in a random , but controlled, order.
We are on baby watch here, the new babe is due on Saturday. Claire is anxious to be the "big sister."
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
12 hours ago
I love your header picture, where is that taken? ... and yeh my day disappears also, I always have a list that doesn't quite get finished. Oh well...
That photo is one of the village of Peggy's Cove, here in Nova Scotia. Usually the lighthouse is the only thing shown in the numerous photos taken by visitors to this village,but those are some serious granite rocks.
intermittent is a helluva lot better than not at all!
can't wait for the new baby!!
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