Thursday, April 29, 2010

End of April

It is hard to believe that April is nearly over. Today we are  having the showers and intermittent sunny spots that bring May flowers and greener grass.

We are still on baby watch, the newest addition shows no haste in arriving in the big world. Perhaps it wants to be a May baby, that would be nice since we have lots of Aprils and only Papa is May.

I have nearly finished piecing the third row of arcs of the DWR. It is looking good, the sewing room isn't though. Gracie has obviously been finding little pieces of thread since some passed through this morning. I will have to be vigilant with her and her brother, they will eat anything, except the kibble from the vet.

DH and I went to an open rehearsal with Symphony NS this morning to hear the Dvorak Cello Concerto. The cellist was Matt Haimovitz and he and the orchestra are performing this evening. SNS is having a Dvorak Festival. The performance this Sunday evening is From The New World and Giora Schmidt, is the featured violinist. The New World Symphony is one of my favourites. It should be wonderful.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Falling behind...

Again, boy, am I an intermittent blogger.
 It isn't as if I have nothing to tell, I do, but I get carried away doing something else and whammo the day is gone and so is the blog opportunity.

I took G&G for a long walk this morning, they sniffed everything possible and ate nearly all the dead and dried up earthworms on the sidewalk. They sure find them tasty, and all that great protein. 

I am making great progress on the DWR, one whole row pieced and the second is nearly completed. At this rate it should be completed by the end of the summer. I have even been keeping track of the hours spent working on it. I have to lay it out on the floor to make sure I am putting the contrasting four -patches in a random , but controlled, order.

We are on baby watch here, the new babe is due on Saturday. Claire is anxious to be the "big sister."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Quilt Rack

My father made me a lovely quilt rack a few years ago. It is made from Oak and he carved it himself.
It sits at the end of a hallway and I have a number of quilts on it.

Of course the way the quilts are hanging leaves a little space in the middle on the floor which is just perfect for hiding... and this is where Gracie hangs out when she wants some peace and quiet from her brother George. She is getting her bed ready here, an old quilted tabletopper.

Meantime George knows that this is her space and he is trying his darndest to get in and have a nice quiet nap as well.

Eventually he wormed his way in with her and here they are all jammed up.
However that didn't last too long and now George is on the outside once again trying to make some headway past her and she is growling and ready to pick a fight with him.
Now Gracie is out and George is in... kids!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today is April Fool's day and all I did was sleep in until 1130. It was lovely.
G&G also slept in with me, they were probably tired from all the playing they do in the run of a day.

I started a Double Wedding Ring quilt last Saturday, I am taking a six-week course. It has been on my Bucket list for a long time. This one is done using John Flynn's instructions and is strip pieced so it isn't as arduous as the originals. I am using FQ's that I have saved for years, all 30's fabrics with a neutral background.
I cut out 207 slices for rings on Monday and Tuesday, that was after sewing six sets of strips to make them. That is a lot of sewing, I used the little Janome Gem and she just chugged along.
I want to use it for the whole process and then I know the 1/4 inch on the pieces will be consistent throughout.
Not always guaranteed if I switch to another machine. Besides it is easy to take to class.

And I have started quilting the whole-cloth Trapunto, and the Happy Birthday banner is ready to be quilted now. I may do it tonight so I can hang it up to honour two birthdays in April.

Easter weekend is supposed to be blessed with warm sunny weather, we shall see....

I think I'll take a lamb pot roast to Mom and Dads' for dinner. I got the recipe while in Wellington last year and it was soooo good. They will love it, I am sure.