How did that happen? I was sure I just blogged recently.
Seriously though life was busy and Pastiche was along way down on the list.
I did go to Toronto for ten wonderful days of R&R visiting the newlyweds. I love TO, especially exploring the King St. E neighbourhood, and the multitude of restaurants. We sampled lots of different cuisines, Thai, Japanese, Italian, Chinese. I explored the fabric shops along Queen St. W, didn't buy a thing but looked at lots.
Arrived home to family crisis with my parents so the paper work has been started for long-term care placement for Mom. Dad has finally realized that he is unable to keep up the pace. It will be better for both of them and Mom will get much more outside stimulation and fresh faces to see daily. Now we sit and wait, the process usually takes 3 - 6 months.
Claire was four years old and she had a tea party for some of her friends, we enjoyed pizza and cake in the evening with the family.
Anna had a good time swinging away! She is growing like a weed, and a very contented baby.
Char and Faeyque were home for 10 days and just headed back to TO, and the heat last weekend. Luckily they missed the G8, G20 mess and chaos. We had a lovely visit and F saw more of NS. They also went to PEI and of course the pilgrimage to Pictou County.
The sewing room is tidied and not in use, in preparation for more visitors this weekend and in August. I have some handwork to keep me occupied though.
It is really quite hot here this week so I am enjoying cool drinks, popsicles and the fan.
I almost forgot to mention George and Gracie, they are sweet little dogs, I didn't think they were going to bark but George let out a few one day when a strange thing was on the bed. It was my bright yellow purse. He was adamant that he would not go into the room until he had my attention and he knew what was lurking. They are plunked down in front of the fan now, catching a few zzzzz's.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
12 hours ago
great to be home and pampered.
:)) Sorry about the last day of minus pampering.
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