Gee March has certainly been a pleasure so far, nice sunny days, lots of blue skies, no snow or rain, can it last? The temperature is not warm but 6C isn't bad for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere in March, and it isn't even spring yet!
George & Gracie and I have been walking long walks every day and they are loving it. There is a moral to the story though, if a large noisy truck is rumbling down the street don't try to use the crosswalk to get across at that particular time. They don't like it and will lie down in the middle of the street, and have to be coaxed back to walk.
They have been walking with an old glove in their mouths and look much like a pair of puppies leading me as they prance ahead and I follow, holding the leashes. I feel like a teamster for dogs, instead of horses.
I am making progress on my Trapunto wall hanging, and enjoying it as well. I ran out of the water-soluble thread and have to make a dash to a store to get some. I knew I should have purchased two when I initially bought it.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
1 day ago
Don't you start Spring in March as we start Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere?
I had to look it up to make sure
Dec March June Sept.
Are you meaning that Spring features are not evident? We have begun Autumn and only a few leaves have changed color but you can see the beginning of color and also the bulbs in the ground are coming up as we do not have the snow in winter here so they show their leaves in Autumn.
Hi Glenice Spring officially starts March 20th this year. Here in Nova Scotia we very seldom have spring weather it seems that winter lingers on and on and we will often have snow in April, sometimes May and rarely June. This year we don't have any snow left on the ground at the moment but I'll bet it will snow sometime before the end of March.
The temperatures are still pretty cool though, only 4C today, even though the sun was shining. Some of the spring bulbs are poking through the soil, but it isn't unusual to see snow on the daffodils.
The saving grace is that the snow usually doesn't last ...
they lie down on the road, just like their stepbrother jake used to do.
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