Friday, March 19, 2010

Maple Syrup Festival

Another stellar day, I have already been out for a long walk with G&G.

Tomorrow we head to Cumberland County for a Maple Syrup supper at the Westchester Fire Hall. Pancakes, baked beans, sausages, brown bread, sweets, tea coffee and of course the wonderful Maple syrup to crown it all. Check out the festival here.

Maple Syrup is the first agricultural crop in the NS growing season and the cold nights and warm days are helping to give the producers a banner year. Yummy! I can't wait to get some Maple Butter tomorrow.

There hasn't been much work done in the sewing room, but I did stitch together a Happy Birthday banner. It wasn't ready for Patti's but hopefully will be completed for the rash of birthdays coming up in the next few months.

 My Uncle Bob was featured in the Lives Lived column in today's Globe and Mail. It was wonderful to read the tribute that his son Shel wrote.
He was my Mother's older brother, by 17 months or so.
They had great telephone conversations every Sunday morning, discussing absolutely everything, but mostly the old neighbourhood around Spencer Street in St. John's. My mother is the last of a family of eight siblings, she has lived in Nova Scotia  since 1944 but she is still a Newfoundlander first and foremost.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Gee March has certainly been a pleasure so far, nice sunny days, lots of blue skies, no snow or rain, can it last? The temperature is not warm but 6C isn't bad for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere in March, and it isn't even spring yet!
George & Gracie and I have been walking long walks every day and they are loving it. There is a moral to the story though, if a large noisy truck is rumbling down the street don't try to use the crosswalk to get across at that particular time. They don't like it and will lie down in the middle of the street, and have to be coaxed back to walk.
They have been walking with an old glove in their mouths and look much like a pair of puppies leading me as they prance ahead and I follow, holding  the leashes. I feel like a teamster for dogs, instead of horses.

I am making progress on my Trapunto wall hanging, and enjoying it as well. I ran out of the water-soluble thread and have to make a dash to a store to get some. I knew I should have purchased two when I initially bought it.