I have gone far too long without writing on this blog, suffice to say I made it home from NZ and have now settled back to enjoy a NS autumn and the shorter days which will lead to another winter. Yuk!!!
I will add more tidbits of my NZ trip as I get back into the groove but I will probably be doing the day by day stuff more frequently.
I just found out I won a pattern on a fellow bloggers site. Sew Karen-ly Created http://sewkaren-lycreated.blogspot.com/ now how do I highlight that?
I picked out the Anne of Green Gables pattern, I think Claire would like that!
I am starting block #7 of the Great Pumpkin Quilt. This baby won't be finished for this October but it will be for next year.
I am also making the Cassia Bud pickles, this takes 13 days and the crock full of pickles and brine and now the syrup has been sitting on my counter top for 12 days. Tomorrow is the last step, boil the syrup and then they will be bottled. Ready to be enjoyd.
Now I am going to add some sugar to the mix, boil it and pour it over the cukes.
It certainly makes the house smell yummy.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
12 hours ago
that's a great photo, mom! you should frame it.
south island?
glad you're back to blogging.
This photo is from Queenstown New Zealand. The city is behind the toi-toi.
i feel like i have a pic of anna there!
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