We stayed home today and vegged. Slept late and eventually made my way to the coffee.
I knit a bit on the never-ending poncho for Claire. I sure am struggling with it but hopefully I have had the final restart and am on my merry way to completion. I knit this same pattern for Char when she was two so I do know it is possible. I guess it is a case of too much sewing and quilting and not enough knitting lately.
We walked to the corner store to get mailers to post stuff home so Char and Patti keep your eye on the mails. I haven't sent them yet though, probably tomorrow.
This is Gavin's birthday today. I'll celebrate with him when I get back to Vancouver
I can't believe that he is __ years old, it seems like only yesterday that he arrived and DH put hairspray on his underarms instead of deodorant becuase he was so excited.
A little cooler today it almost feels like late September. The moon has been shining brightly the past two nights. It reflects off the harbour and looks ethereal. I must try to take a night shot this evening.
Tomorrow we are going shopping into Miramar with the gal next door. She is going to introduce us to her Greek market so we can buy some delish foods.
There is a cat show in the afternoon too! We may go and check it out, we are not taking the cats no matter how much they meow to go.
On that note I am out of here.
Quilty Pleasures at Quiltville Inn!
11 hours ago
a day of nothing sounds great to me. a greek market? even better.
looking forward to receiving something in the mail!
i booked my trip to rome: sept 2 - 12. it was costly, but it'll all be worth it in the end!
gav's going to visit me in a couple of weeks - looking forward to seeing him.
glad you're enjoying the kitties. i'm getting itchy thinking about them.
hi to sheila.
I guess it's time to tell everyone that, after 25 days, Jane's DH and Jake are both lonely, but surviving. Thanks to relatives and friends, neither Jake nor I have suffered any dangerous weight loss. Strawberry season is arriving, so that will take care of menus for the next while. Jane and I have exchanged emails and phone calls regularly and at times she seems right nextdoor. Great that she and Sheila are having such a wonderful time and, for us back in Dartmouth, the long countdown has been reduced to 33 days!!!
Glad to hear Hughie and Jake are holding up!
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