Monday, May 26, 2014

A Whole Year...

Well nearly anyway.
Not a stellar one either. A couple of surgeries, gastros ! CTT scans, TPN, all involving hospitalization and whammy  a year has gone by.
Thank goodness for the wonderful health care we receive here in Canada!
Not the best way to have time fly by,  but I am thankful to be on the right side of the grass and enjoying life.

On the plus side the grand girls are thriving at nearly 8, 4, and 3 and a new grand boy made his appearance in early February. He is nearly four months old and a chunky little (20 lb.) fellow.
He, his sister and mother were home for two weeks in March, what a joy to see them everyday.

I was away from my sewing and needlework for months but have finally ventured back into the sewing room, and if appearance means progress it is messy already. I even started hand quilting a baby quilt that was basted for three years!

I hope I get back to this blog sooner rather than later...

Ciao for now.