Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cassia Bud Pickles

I finally did it. I think I figured out how to put a button on this blog, or at least in the body of it.
Dorothy a Canadian designer is having a giveaway so go and pop in for a visit.

I am in the throes of making Cassia Bud pickles, two batches are underway. The first should be ready by Tuesday and the second about 10 days later. They take a while but worth it.

Tonight we are having corn on the cob for supper. It is from Newcombe's, they have the best corn around!
Wish Charlotte was here for a feed.

The weather is just glorious, another stellar day. I won't be sewing at any machine today, probably some Redwork on the deck.

Maybe I'll get another update before three months go by.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New government.

Well the NDP managed to pull it off and have a majority government, they can try their hand at governing NS now.

Pittsburgh won over Detroit last evening so the NHL playoffs head to a Game 7 on Friday, I hope the Penguins don`t choke that game is in Detroit.

Cloudy and overcast today and I dusted a bit and cleaned a bit and now I am going to sew a bit. I am looking for a free pattern to make a wallet. Mom would like a new one and I thought I`d make one to put in her new purse for her birthday.

Maybe I`ll even get another blognote tomorrow.

Monday, June 8, 2009


It is nearly summer and I have certainly neglected this blog.

In May I had a trip to Toronto to visit C&F. What a nice time. I went to a great concert at the Glenn Gould Centre. We, I went with my SIL, had a road trip to Elora and ate a nice lunch at the Old Mill. This photo is the Grand River which roars behind the Mill. Elora is a lovely town, lots of interesting shops and restaurants. They hold a Chorale Festival there in the summer.

I have made purse, and cell phone holders and sewn lots of strips to make blocks. I even basted a couple of UFO's.

I planted lots of herbs in pots today, they are on the balcony so I hope they grow nicely. I love using fresh herbs in my cooking.

Which reminds me now I have to get supper ready. Turkey burgers tonight!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pussy Willows and Christmas Cactus

This is Mom and Dad's Christmas Cactus in full blooom. I counted over 40 buds and blossoms. They have had it for over a year but it had not bloomed before.
Dad took it into the den and coddled it, putting it in the sunny window all winter, and probably talking to it too!.
I guess it worked.

We had a quick trip to visit them. I made a big pot of soup and for dessert we had Hot Cross Buns. All yummy!

This afternoon we took Mom out for a short drive looking for Pussy willows. we did see some but they were either on trees standing in water or snow. So we shall try again and get a bouquet of them.

I know a little pussy.
Her coat is soft and grey.
She lives down in the valley
not so very far away
She'll alwaya be a pussy.
She'll never be a cat...
'Cause she's a pussy willow.
Now what do you think of that!

Mom learned that when she was a little girl and I have also known it forever.
Another rerminder of spring.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Catching Up

This has been a great week. I guess sitting around post-op has its benefits.
I was able to make contact with Flo and Kathie who both worked on my Round Robin. Facebook isn't just for the young. They also put me in touch with Helen who was a member of SFQ's with us years ago.

Then I caught up again with Cindy,she is a Kindred Spirit from BC. She had been off list for some time but is now hooked up with us again.

Then I called Cheryl B. a nursing classmate and we had a great conversation this afternoon. She moved back to NS via Saudi Arabia from Alberta a couple of years ago, and I finally called her .
She lives in Halifax so it will be fun to catch up with her in the flesh, so to speak.

We had another snow storm on Tuesday. It didn't affect us too much but the rest of the province seemed to get lots.

I am not doing well with my March Madness picks but managed to get to 117 from the high of 155. There are 164 people in the pool so I am not rock-bottom.
Washington lost, but I still have lots of teams playing this weekend.

Today I sandwiched my Leaf quilt. Another old UFO from 1997. I may start to quilt it this evening. It would be truly amazing to have two old UFO's completed before Easter.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Finished and Hanging

Well here it is.
The RR wall hanging is completed and hanging.
Thank goodness, now I can get onto another UFO.

I have had a quiet week, just occasional errands and lots of napping. I feel better everyday and I even made some Blueberry Muffins and a Gingerbread on Thursday. They were tasty. But I was tired on Friday so rested by finishing the above RR.

I also ordered a couple of yards of beautiful Kona Fabric from Undercover Quilts. My FQ's arrived on Thursday and two of them were so gorgeous I had to get some yardage.

The folks at Undercover even sent me a little bonus of 5 Batiks from their Batik Pikettes, it was a delightful surprise.

Hugh and I are into the March Madness and my picks are not doing so well, but, it is fun to guess them anyway.
The Washington/Purdue game is just ready to start. I am going to root for Washington Huskies. Time will tell if I am correct

Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting spoiled

You know I could get used to this... but the posterior gets a little tired from sitting.
We went for a short spin yesterday down to the Eastern Passage and then over to Lawrencetown Beach. Charlotte took this photo of the beach on one of her forays.

No surfers yesterday but lots of beachcombers.
It was a lovely day.

Graham popped in a couple of times, he brought some greetings and a bouquet for me and then at supper time some Seafood Chowder and birthday cake for dessert. We shall enjoy that tomorrow. It is Patti's birthday today.

Happy Birthday Patti

I spent a lot of time talking on the telephone this morning, catching up with folks.

It is another great sunny day so we will go off to the farm to get a flat of nice fresh eggs.

I think I'll put the binding on my quilt this evening. It would be wonderful to have it all completed this week.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well it is all over, now I just have to take it easy and heal. This should be easy enough to do.
I plan on stitching and sitting with occasional walks.

DH just brought me a lovely bouquet of yellow shasta daisies. They look so happy and cheerful, little happy faces peeking over the top of the vase.

I chatted with M. in NZ, she is having a good week and healing as well. Soon to be heading to Dunedin to visit with Bill and Yvonne for a few days.

The sun is out today and it is warmer, but only 2C. The brook is trickling happily now that it isn't frozen anymore. I don't see the ducks, perhaps they have moved to a bigger pool.

I have a chatelaine ready to sew so after my little nap I am heading into my sewing studio.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Wow already March and tomorrow is the Day of Command, March fourth!

Lots of rain yesterday so the snow is melting fast. The brook is running full and there are two black ducks swimming in the little pond. I hope they decide to build a nest there and entertain us with ducklings.

I just finished reading The Rise of The Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs. It was an eyeopener and thanks to Gavin for recommending it to moi.

I had a pre-op appointment yesterday and the anaesthetist who interviewed me is also going to pick it up and read it. It is very enlightening.Here is an example. Did you ever wonder how that crap called Aspartame was approved by the FDA for human consumption? Can you say: Rumsfelt president of GD Searle and then in Reagan's cabinet.
Read the book!
Your blood will turn to ice.

On a more pleasant note.
I did manage to sell some of my surplus magazines and books at the Seat sale. But I still have lots to send off to new homes. No new sewing going on but the fabrics are still being cut up in squares and rectangles and strips.

I have been doing some piecing as well and I just love Masterpiece thread by Superior. It melts into the fabrics.

Norm and Dottie are visiting with us and now we are going to watch Flight of the Conchordes. We watched episode 1 and 2 last evening and roared at the antics. We have taken Roll call and we are all present to view it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Storm today.

Yes storm #10 has hit, but who is counting. I was up and at it early this morning to get my haircut. It surely needed it and I think I had about 5 pounds taken off.
There seems to be about 5 cm down already and it is blowing a lot

Watched a bit of CBC NewsWorld today to see President Obama arriving in Ottawa. There is lots of hype everywhere and hopes that he will set the US on a less confrontational road. Time will tell.

I just baked some Barn Doors, raisin oat cookies. I haven't made them in a "dog's age" and they are pretty tasty.

I started to sew together some 2 inch squares to make four patches. One of these days they will be part of something big.

I am also sifting through some of my magazines ear-marking future projects OR ideas. I have hopes that I can cull some magazines and sell them at the seat sale. I haven't found too many yet though.

The young "T's are home from work, nice and early so that is a good thing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have to dust this morning. Our bedroom suite is really looking neglected, and the sun is shining brightly so I can really see it.
I should polish my dresser set but not today, I want to take Jake for a walk, H is at the Archives.
I love it when the sun is shining, it motivates me...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

Well it came and went. The young folks came with pizza Friday evening. We supplied the RED cake and some heart cookies. Claire likes the decorations.

Another day of stripping and cutting patches. I think I am making a dent in the organization of some of these scraps.

I am also enjoying Beyond Green Gables by Budge Wilson. It is a new book and tells of Annes life before she arrived in PEI. I think I'll have to reread Anne of Green Gables. I borrowed the download of the book from the library. It is so great to listen while I am working in my studio.(sic)

And it is still snowy, isn't spring supposed to arrive soon?

I made a Lemon Pie for dessert this evening, that and Roast Chicken, should be good.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I have been cutting strips for three days. Various sizes and when I get ready for the strip quilt, they will be ready. In the meantime those fabrics which are too short to be cut into strips are squares or rectangles.
I found some fabrics that I had forgotten existed. I can't imagine how that happened.

I have a project in the works. I have to replace a zipper in Hugh's winter jacket. I have taken the old one out and all I have to do is get the new one sewn in. I haven't put a zipper in anything for years. I'll give it a good try anyway.

I had a nice chat with Margaret, she is out of hospital, and busy with physio and all that entails.

Don is coming for supper this evening. I made Salt Cod Fish cakes and we shall have them with Chow-Chow and Cottage Pudding for dessert. Truly comfort foods for such a rainy, cold miserable day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I spent most of today organizing my FQ stash. Ironing, folding and putting them in their colour families. Also in the different themes flowers, holiday etc. You get the drift. All this in preparation for the Mariner Quilt Guild seat sale and a stash reduction blitz.
I hope to get some strips, squares etc cut and ready to be made into tops. I am going to haunt Bonnie Hunters Quiltville site for patterns.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Down the shore...

We picked up Sheila and traveled down the Shore to visit Barbara in East River. It was gorgeous, the sky was just as blue as yesterday plus the added attraction today was the sun glinting on the waters of Mahone Bay.

She has a new rescue dog named Hunter, poor fellow is blind and lame but so gentle. He is a 5 year old Irish setter.

Niffer the Gordon retriever is a rambunctious pup and in our faces but she is a treat she is so funny. Jake wasn't impressed with her trying to sit on my lap or lick my face. He growled his displeasure.

Then we went to Jack Astor's for supper, it was good.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What a day!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day today. Blue skies, bright sunshine dancing on the white snow and the ice covered tree branches, and it was only about -4C. Tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer.

I took Jake for a little walk and he sniffed all the spots checking his p-mail.

Hugh was out for lunch and this afternoon we headed out to do a few errands.

I decided last night to make a new cushion cover for the bathroom rocking chair. I got it all ready last night, threaded the serger this morning and I'll put it together tonight.

And I think I'll sew some of my Millennium exchange squares I've had them for 10 years so it is time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

February already

My birthday was on Monday and I had two celebrations. Saturday, Claire and family had a party for me and I was treated to lovely sushi. Graham, and Patti and I really had an enjoyable feast. Hugh had Chicken Teriyaki and Miss Claire had pasta with Edemame, tomatoes,and cheese. She enjoyed the dessert more than the main.

A beautiful cake made by Patti and Claire, with yellow frosting and Gummy Bears. It was delish. C and the chorus,were wonderful singing Happy Birthday to me.

Monday evening DH and I went to The Keg, a great meal. I haven't had beef for ages so I really enjoyed it.

After finally conquering the head cold it has attacked Hughie, so he is pretty miserable.

Rotten weather this week as well. Snow/ice pellets/rain and then cold again on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll say no more, you can just imagine the mess of the streets and sidewalks. Daycare was canceled so C spent the day with us, we had lots of fun. She loves looking at her DVD when she was a baby. (6 to 18 months)so we have seen that about 3 times this week.

We had good news from Charlotte, she and Fayeque are coming home for Easter. That will be lovely. It is also her birthday that weekend. She wants Claire to sing Happy Birthday to her! So we will have a party.

And good news from NZ, Marg our "tour guide extraordinaire" will be discharged from hospital next week. May the bones heal quickly.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Mom and Dad celebrated 65 years of marriage yesterday. I find that phenomenal. We took a lunch with dessert to them and also delivered a lovely bouquet from all of us. They look pretty good for hitting the 89 year mark.

We didn't stay late in the afternoon since a snow/sleet/rain storm was heading up the coast.
It came and made an icy slippery mess and school was canceled so Miss C spent the day with us. Then I made a Baked Ziti for supper. I have been wanting to make one since Mrs. Soprano was serving it to the parish priest during the first year episodes. It was tasty but Graham and Hugh thought it should have more sausage. There weren't any leftovers, so that is a good thing.

I started machine quilting my 1997 Round Robin and I am being careful with it. Any stitches I am not happy with I am doing the frog stitch. I am using a metallic thread by Superior, it is lovely to work with and the stitches and nice and even and I am happy with the far!

Margaret, our great tour guide in NZ fell last week and broke a hip and her elbow. She is definitely tied up for a while. I was wishing I was closer so I could take care of her. She hopes to be home from hospital by next mid week, with wheelchair and eventually walker. She is very busy and independent so this is going to be hard for her.

We have had so many cold days -15C and today it started out at 5C and now it is down to -1C and going to -10C tonight. But the days are longer and the sun seems brighter. Spring is only 2 months away.

Ever the optomist, so I hope I'll blog again before another month is over.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

And I have to write down my resolution right now. I am going to make a better blog effort.

I cannot believe that I missed all those weeks since October. Oh well no sense crying over split milk. I guess I must have been busy, doing something or other.

2009 came in with a blast and we had a blizzard. That's okay since Hugh and I were getting over the 'flu and quite enjoyed lazing back and watching television.
Eating jello and applesauce and drinking clear fluids. At least we don't have any weight gain to get rid of!

The young "T"'s had Christmas dinner with us and we enjoyed watching Claire opening her gifts. She was so sweet saying thank you every time she opened a gift, including the ones from the dog.
Here she is opening her Upsa Dayzy Doll.

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I took Jake for a walk in the snow today. He loves it, rolls around, tries to get his coat off, but he sure hates the salt on his poor paws. He was trying to walk on two legs coming in the driveway, I had to carry him. He did get Doggy Boots for Christmas, but he and I haven't come to the correct understanding yet as to how to get them on successfully without him snapping at me. I think I'll get a muzzle, then he can growl and mumble but not snap.

I am sure that will be a story for another day.